So, which of the teachings of your Prophet will you deny?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the embodiment of kindness. He asked his followers to be kind as it beautifies an individual. According to him, a kind word is a form of charity.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He removed the social evils by stopping the killing of the female child. He also stopped forceful marriages.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He forbade all kinds of intoxicants as it is the root of many evils and a family destroyer.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He encouraged good mannerisms & character. He said,” Nothing is placed on the Scale (of deeds) that is heavier than good character. Indeed, the person with good character will have attained the rank of the person of fasting and prayer.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He disliked cursing, slandering, obscenity and foul mouthing. He said, “The best among you is the one who doesn’t harm others with his tongue and hands.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He encouraged to strive always to excel in virtue and truth.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He motivated individuals to do self-analysis and introspection. He said, “The greatest jihad (struggle/striving) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He asked people to control their anger and purify their hearts and deeds. He once said, “When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart gives it up.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He was so loving, affectionate, and forbearing that he went to see a lady when she was sick who used to throw garbage at him.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He encouraged the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom. He said, “There is no gift a father gives his child more virtuous than good manners.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He asked people to maintain good relations with each other and inspired them to exchange gifts.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He always kept promises and obeyed treaties.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He was famous as truthful and trustworthy even among his enemies.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He advised to take care of the orphans, widows and divorced women.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He commanded to feed the hungry and visit a sick person and free the captive if he is unjustly confined. He also asked to assist any person oppressed whether Muslim or non-Muslim.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He encouraged to plant trees and not to waste the water. He once said, “Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream”.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He was against all kinds of discrimination and divisions of society. In his last sermon, he made this point very clear when he said, “There is no superiority for an Arab over a non-Arab, nor for a non-Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the black nor is the black superior over the white – except by piety.”
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
Prophet was one who for the first time gave war etiquettes (when it becomes inevitable). He asked not to harm the women or the old and children on the battlefield, not to cut trees, not to put houses and trees on fire, and not to destroy religious places.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He encouraged forgiveness and tolerance among people and advised not to do evil to those who do evil to them but instead deal with them with forgiveness and kindness.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He instructed believers to maintain good relations with their neighbours and take care of them. According to his teachings, he is not a true believer who eats his fill while his neighbour is hungry.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He advised believers to be specifically concerned about the matters of the women. He commanded men to be nice to women. He himself was an exemplary husband to his wives and father to his daughters.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He was just and equitable and never comprised it for anything.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
He had a multidimensional personality. He was a religious leader as well as a political and social director. He excelled in each of his roles. His life encourages us to shine in all fields.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last messenger of God. He is the most revered personality in Islam. In the Holy Quran-the book revealed to him almighty God has introduced the prophet as the “Rahmatu-lil-Aalameen” i.e. “Compassion unto All Nations”. He is the role model for an exemplary character, kindness, compassion, mercy, gratitude, thankfulness, abundance, courage, fearlessness, self-reflection, and an unwavering belief in his mission.
Impressed by his overall achievements and personality, Michael H. Hart, an American astrophysicist, and historian, chose Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as the most influential person to ever live. He succeeded in every aspect of life. He reached the epitome of character, presented before us a perfect way of living, and an ideal example to deal with the situations of life and guided to achieve overall happiness and success of both the worlds. Yet many of us don’t follow his ways and keep on denying his teachings and ideas if not verbally, then by not obeying them. He covered every aspect that put together a “complete picture” of a balanced life.
So, which of the teachings of your prophet (pbuh) will you deny?
The master of such a magnanimous personality who lived his life like a true manifestation of compassion reflecting all this in his conduct and teachings deserves to be remembered and revered on the day of his birth.
Most of the Muslims believe the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal (of the Hijri Calendar) to be the birthday of ‘Compassion unto All Nations’ (Prophet Muhammad pbuh). A large number of Muslims express their jubilation on this day in their own way. But have we ever thought…?
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru’s birthday is celebrated as ‘Children’s Day’. Children’s welfare programs are organized on that day throughout India.
Dr. Radha Krishnan’s birthday is celebrated as ‘Teacher’s Day’. Programs for teachers’ welfare are organized on that day across the country.
Is it not prerogative of ‘Compassion unto All Nations’ that his birthday is remembered as a ‘Blessing for the Humanity’?
Let’s commit to celebrate the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the “Compassion Day” and pledge to do any random act of compassion, sympathy, mercy, welfare, love or care for the living being (human or animals) on this day to revive the essence of his teachings and to let the world know who he actually was.